WIRES 活動日誌 "Behind the scenes of a crisis " (日本語訳付き)





In the recent flood catastrophe of NSW and QLD, WIRES Emergency Response Teams were deployed across vast areas, operating search and rescue missions for hundreds of distressed native animals.
We asked our Emergency Response Manager Lucy Clark for her first-hand account of the crisis...


Our Emergency ​Response Manager Lucy with a kangaroo joey, orphaned by floods near Lismore, NSW. 

Hi Lucy, we know the recent floods were disastrous but how do they compare to the Black Summer Bushfires?

Lucy:They were both devastating events and required an extensive response from our emergency response teams. We have an Incident Classification chart to categorise an emergency.  These classifications range from Level 0 Green which is our everyday emergency rescue work, all the way to Level 3, which is Code Red, requiring all of our emergency resources. The bushfires of 2019/20 were Code Red and the recent floods were Level 2. 
ルーシー(以下L):この2つの災害はいずれも壊滅的なもので、緊急対応チームによる大規模な対応を必要としました。私たちには、緊急事態を分類するための「インシデント・クラシフィケーション・チャート」があります。  この分類は、日常的な緊急救助活動であるレベル0のグリーンから、すべての緊急リソースを必要とするコード・レッドであるレベル3まであります。2019/20年の山火事はコードレッド、最近の洪水はレベル2でした。

So the floods were devastating, but not as catastrophic as the bushfires? 

L :We often see floods as a slow, increasing emergency. In the initial stages there are some ground dwelling species that can get away and arboreal species can climb to safer levels, whereas the fires caused total devastation to all species, very quickly.
Unfortunately, this recent flood event was so prolonged and widespread it did cause devastation for many species, including birds, mammals and reptiles. There were many areas where the flood waters simply engulfed established trees.
We’re also concerned the floods have sparked starvation events for many native animals because their food sources and natural habitats were literally washed away. It may take months, even years for those areas to fully recover
L :火災は非常に早く、すべての種に完全な荒廃を引き起こしますが、洪水はゆっくりと進行する緊急事態であると私たちは考えます。洪水は、初期の段階では、地上に住む種は逃げることができ、木の上で生活する種は安全なレベルまで登ることができるからです。

Five Emergency Responders were deployed to flood impacted areas.

Is there a stand out story you’d like to share from the recent floods? 

L: There are so many! We rescued a lot of exhausted birds and it was so sad, they were very thin and often had fluid on their lungs. So often, and particularly during extreme weather events, we can’t always save the animal’s life but we can offer immediate aid. We can rehydrate them, warm them up if they're shivering and cold, make sure terrified orphans feel safe, warm and secure.  Even when the eventual outcome is not positive, I know we relieve pain and suffering – we still make an enormous difference to that one animal.
L :たくさんありますね。保護された動物たちはとても痩せていて、肺に水が溜まっていることもよくありました。特に異常気象の時には、動物の命を救えないことも多いのですが、私たちはすぐに救いの手を差し伸べることができました。水分の補給、寒さで震えている動物を温める、怯えている孤児たちが安全で温かく安心できるようにする、など、 最終的に良い結果が得られなくても、痛みや苦しみを和らげることで、その1匹に大きな変化をもたらすことができるのです。
On a more positive note, on our very first stop during the floods (which is probably why it stands out in my mind) we visited our Mid North Coast volunteers and they were very concerned about a number of mountain brushtail possums with joeys that were exposed to heavy rain and really struggling to find shelter. We dropped off possum boxes, heat pads and pouches and it just felt so good to know we were able to make such an immediate, positive difference to native animals that were really struggling.

Over the month of March, our Emergency Responders attended 480 critical rescues in flood impacted areas.

You mentioned the WIRES Emergency Response Team, is that a team deployed in times of crisis? 

L :We work every day of the year, but we’re particularly busy during extreme weather events because the need for wildlife rescue increases so dramatically. 
WIRES Emergency Response Teams support our volunteers by attending to the most critical, remote and urgent rescues.  Each Emergency Responder has access to a vehicle which is fully equipped with incubators, medical supplies and rescue equipment – so we can make a real difference when it’s a highly vulnerable animal needing specialist care.  We’re also trained in the rescue of all species, so we recently rescued a lot of snakes displaced by floods.
L :年中無休で活動していますが、特に異常気象の時は野生動物救出のニーズが高まるので、忙しくなります。
WIRES緊急対応チームは、最も重要な遠隔地での緊急救助に対応することで、ボランティアをサポートします。 各救急隊員は、保育器、医療品、救助用具を完備した車両を使用できるため、専門的なケアを必要とする非常に弱っている動物に、真の意味で貢献することができます。 また、私たちはあらゆる種類の動物の救助について訓練を受けています、最近では洪水で避難している多くのヘビを救助しました。

Our Emergency Response vehicles are equipped with medical supplies and lifesaving rescue equipment including heat pads and incubators for very young orphaned wildlife. 

What is the future for Wildlife Emergency Response in Australia?

L :Well, it’s very sad but we know from recent IPCC reports that Australia’s extreme weather events are getting more frequent and more severe. We’re also getting to a stage where populations in severely impacted areas are finding it harder to recover.
We currently have six Emergency Responders, working every day across NSW, QLD and Tasmania. We want to build up our emergency response capacity so we can support more native wildlife across Australia, wherever the need is greatest. 
Wildlife Rescue is really complex, as you can imagine. Sick and injured wildlife are often found in highly remote locations, and it can be extremely difficult locating where they are, particularly if there’s no mobile reception. Communications and logistics are so important – which is why our 24/7 Wildlife Rescue Office is critical. 
The more highly equipped rescue teams we have, the quicker aid will be deployed to truly desperate native animals, particularly in times of crisis.  Thank you to every single person who has helped us do just that.
L :非常に残念なことですが、IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:気候変動に関する政府間パネル)の最近の報告書から、オーストラリアの異常気象はますます頻度が高くなり、深刻化していることが分かっています。また、深刻な影響を受けた地域の個体群が回復するのが難しくなっている段階です。
高度な設備を備えたレスキューチームがあればあるほど、特に危機的状況にある本当に絶望的な在来動物に、より迅速に援助を行うことができるのです。 私たちの活動を支えてくださっているすべての方々に感謝します。

If you’d like to watch a short clip on this amazing work in action, click  here

